Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Starting with Oracle 10g, Oracle has introduced an enhanced version of EXPORT and IMPORT utility known as DATA PUMP. Data Pump is similar to EXPORT and IMPORT utility but it has many advantages. Some of the advantages are:
             Most Data Pump export and import operations occur on the Oracle database server. i.e. all the dump files are created in the server even if you run the Data Pump utility from client machine. This results in increased performance because data is not transferred through network.

             You can Stop and Re-Start export and import jobs. This is particularly useful if you have started an export or import job and after some time you want to do some other urgent work.

             The ability to detach from and reattach to long-running jobs without affecting the job itself. This allows DBAs and other operations personnel to monitor jobs from multiple locations.

             The ability to estimate how much space an export job would consume, without actually performing the export

             Support for an interactive-command mode that allows monitoring of and interaction with ongoing jobs

Using Data Pump Export Utility
To Use Data Pump, DBA has to create a directory in Server Machine and create a Directory Object in the database mapping to the directory created in the file system.
The following example creates a directory in the file system and creates a directory object in the database and grants privileges on the Directory Object to the SCOTT user.
$mkdir my_dump_dir
Enter User:/ as sysdba
SQL>create directory data_pump_dir as ‘/u01/oracle/my_dump_dir’;
Now grant access on this directory object to SCOTT user
SQL> grant read, write on directory data_pump_dir to scott;
Example of Exporting a Full Database
To Export Full Database, give the following command
$expdp  scott/tiger FULL=y DIRECTORY=data_pump_dir DUMPFILE=full.dmp
             LOGFILE=myfullexp.log JOB_NAME=myfullJob
The above command will export the full database and it will create the dump file full.dmp in the directory on the server /u01/oracle/my_dump_dir
In some cases where the Database is in Terabytes the above command will not feasible since the dump file size will be larger than the operating system limit, and hence export will fail. In this situation you can create multiple dump files by typing the following command
$expdp  scott/tiger FULL=y DIRECTORY=data_pump_dir DUMPFILE=full%U.dmp
       FILESIZE=5G  LOGFILE=myfullexp.log JOB_NAME=myfullJob
This will create multiple dump files named full01.dmp, full02.dmp, full03.dmp and so on. The FILESIZE parameter specifies how much larger the dump file should be.
Example of Exporting a Schema
To export all the objects of SCOTT’S schema you can run the following export data pump command.
$expdp scott/tiger DIRECTORY=data_pump_dir DUMPFILE=scott_schema.dmp
You can omit SCHEMAS since the default mode of Data Pump export is SCHEMAS only.
If you want to export objects of multiple schemas you can specify the following command
$expdp scott/tiger DIRECTORY=data_pump_dir DUMPFILE=scott_schema.dmp
Exporting Individual Tables using Data Pump Export
You can use Data Pump Export utility to export individual tables. The following example shows the syntax to export tables
$expdp hr/hr DIRECTORY=dpump_dir1 DUMPFILE=tables.dmp  

Exporting Tables located in a Tablespace
If you want to export tables located in a particular tablespace you can type the following command

$expdp hr/hr DIRECTORY=dpump_dir1 DUMPFILE=tbs.dmp
TABLESPACES=tbs_4, tbs_5, tbs_6

The above will export all the objects located in tbs_4,tbs_5,tbs_6

Excluding and Including Objects during Export
You can exclude objects while performing a export by using EXCLUDE option of Data Pump utility. For example you are exporting a schema and don’t want to export tables whose name  starts with “A” then you can type the following command
$expdp scott/tiger DIRECTORY=data_pump_dir DUMPFILE=scott_schema.dmp
Then all tables in Scott’s Schema whose name starts with “A “ will not be exported.
Similarly you can also INCLUDE option to only export certain objects like this
$expdp scott/tiger DIRECTORY=data_pump_dir DUMPFILE=scott_schema.dmp
This is opposite of EXCLUDE option i.e. it will export only those tables of Scott’s schema whose name starts with “A”
Similarly you can also exclude INDEXES, CONSTRAINTS, GRANTS, USER, SCHEMA
Using Query to Filter Rows during Export
You can use QUERY option to export only required rows. For Example, the following will export only those rows of employees tables whose salary is above 10000 and whose dept id is 10.
 expdp hr/hr QUERY=emp:'"WHERE dept_id > 10 AND sal > 10000"'
        NOLOGFILE=y DIRECTORY=dpump_dir1 DUMPFILE=exp1.dmp

Suspending and Resuming Export Jobs (Attaching and Re-Attaching to the Jobs)
You can suspend running export jobs and later on resume these jobs or kill these jobs using Data Pump Export. You can start a job in one client machine and then, if because of some work, you can suspend it. Afterwards when your work has been finished you can continue the job from the same client, where you stopped the job, or you can restart the job from another client machine.
For Example, suppose a DBA starts a full database export by typing the following command at one client machine CLNT1 by typing the following command
$expdp scott/tiger@mydb FULL=y DIRECTORY=data_pump_dir  
     DUMPFILE=full.dmp LOGFILE=myfullexp.log JOB_NAME=myfullJob
After some time, the DBA wants to stop this job temporarily. Then he presses CTRL+C to enter into interactive mode. Then he will get the Export> prompt where he can type interactive commands
Now he wants to stop this export job so he will type the following command
Are you sure you wish to stop this job ([y]/n): y
The job is placed in a stopped state and exits the client.
After finishing his other work, the DBA wants to resume the export job and the client machine from where he actually started the job is locked because, the user has locked his/her cabin. So now the DBA will go to another client machine and he reattach to the job by typing the following command
$expdp hr/hr@mydb ATTACH=myfulljob
After the job status is displayed, he can issue the CONTINUE_CLIENT command to resume logging mode and restart the myfulljob job.
A message is displayed that the job has been reopened, and processing status is output to the client.
Note: After reattaching to the Job a DBA can also kill the job by typing KILL_JOB, if he doesn’t want to continue with the export job.


===> Better control on the job running – it provides features like start,  stop, restart

===> Improved performance because of It is server side technology with parallel streams option

===> Using the parallel streams option, data pump can backup large volume of data quickly

===> Data pump is 15-50% faster than the conventional export import.

===> It has the ability to estimate the job times

===> Failed jobs can be restarted

===> Using exclude/include option we can perform fine-grained object selection

===> Backup jobs can be monitored

===> It has the remapping capabilities

===> It supports the export/import operations over the network. The NETWORK_LINK parameter initiate the export using a 
database link

===> Using “Query” parameter DBA can extract the data from tables like SELECT

“Content” parameter gives the flexibility for what to import/export. For example Metadata only, data or both

===> It supports full range of data types

===> It supports cross platform compatibility

===> No need to specify the buffer size like in normal exp/imp

===> It has its own performace tuning features

===> V$session_longops view can be used for the time estimation for the data pump jobs

===> It supports interactive mode that allows the dba to monitor or interact with ongoing jobs

===> Dumps will be in compressed

===> Data can be encrypted

===> XML schemas and XML type is supported by the Data Pump


===> Export cannot be taken to tape

===> Import will work only with Oracle 10g or above

===> Cannot use with Unix pipes

Related Views:


Difference between Conventional path and Direct Path

Conventional path means that a SQL INSERT statement is used to load data into tables. Direct path deals with data much faster than conventional path. Direct path achieves this performance gain by inserting data directly, bypassing the SQL command processing layer and saves on data copies whenever possible.

This means you don't get any redo created however and once your load is complete you should backup immediately in order to have your data safe.

Lets elaborate them!

--Conventional path Export. 

Conventional path Export uses the SQL SELECT statement to extract data from tables. Data is read from disk into the buffer cache, and rows are transferred to the evaluating buffer. The data, after passing expression evaluation, is transferred to the Export client, which then writes the data into the export file. 

--Direct path Export. 

When using a Direct path Export, the data is read from disk directly into the export session's program global area (PGA): the rows are transferred directly to the Export session's private buffer. This also means that the SQL command-processing layer (evaluation buffer) can be bypassed, because the data is already in the format that Export expects. As a result, unnecessary data conversion is avoided. The data is transferred to the Export client, which then writes the data into the export file. 


With the Export Data Pump parameter VERSION, you can control the version of the dumpfile set, and make the set compatible to be imported into a database with a lower compatibility level. Note that this does not mean that dumpfile set can be used with versions of Oracle Database prior to 10.1.0 because Export and Import Data Pump only work with Oracle Database 10g release 1 (10.1) or later.

The VERSION parameter can be useful in a downgrade situation, for example. Assume you have a 10.2 database and you export with VERSION=9.2. Only database objects and attributes that are compatible with 9.2 will be exported. You could then import the dump file into a 10.1 database whose compatibility is set to 9.2. A 10.1 database set to 9.2 compatibility could theoretically be downgraded to 9.2.

VERSION={COMPATIBLE | LATEST | version_string}

COMPATIBLE = The version of the metadata corresponds to the database compatibility level. Database compatibility must be set to 9.2 or higher. This is the default value.
LATEST = The version of the metadata corresponds to the database release version.
version_string = A specific database version (e.g.: 11.1.0).

If database compatibility is 11.1.* then datapump dumpfile set compatibility is 2.1
If database compatibility is 10.2.* then datapump dumpfile set compatibility is 1.1
If database compatibility is 10.1.* then datapump dumpfile set compatibility is 0.1


If you specify a VERSION for an Export Data Pump job that is older than the current database version, certain Export Data Pump features may be unavailable. For example, specifying VERSION=10.1 will cause an error if data compression is also specified for the job (e.g.: COMPRESSION=all)

SQL> host expdp system/sys@delhi  version=10.2 compression=all dumpfile=my.dmp

Export: Release - Production on Mon Sep 26 12:28:39 2011

Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.

Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
ORA-39005: inconsistent arguments
ORA-39055: The COMPRESSION feature is not supported in version 10.2.

Export from Oracle database version:11.2:

expdp hr/hr TABLES=hr.employees2 VERSION=10.2 DIRECTORY=data_pump_dir DUMPFILE=emp2.dmp LOGFILE=emp2.log

Import into oracle database version 10.2:

impdp hr/hr TABLES=hr.employees2 DIRECTORY=data_pump_dir DUMPFILE=emp2.dmp LOGFILE=emp2_imp.log
External tables with Datapump

External tables are largely used as a convenient way of moving data into and out of the database.They let you query data in a flat file as though the file were an Oracle table.

Oracle uses SQL*Loader functionality, through the ORACLE_LOADER access driver to move data from the flat file into the database; it uses a Data Pump access driver to move data out of the db into a file in an Oracle-proprietary format, and back into the database from files of that format

Real-Life use of External Tables:

Suppose that you receive a daily .csv file from a reporting department. Instead of writing a SQL*Loader script to import each day's .csv file into your database, you can simply create an external table and write an "insert ... select" SQL query to insert the data directly into your tables. Place the day's CSV file in the location specified in the external table definition, run the query, and you're done.

Lets see how its done:

Choose or create a OS directory where you will put your .CSV(..flat file).

In my case i have taken : 'D:\et\'

My CSV file will look like this having name "emp.CSV"


The next step is to create this directories in Oracle, and grant read/write access on it to the Oracle user who will be creating the external table

SQL> create directory opump as 'D:\et\';

Directory created.

SQL> grant read,write on directory opump to gg;

Grant succeeded.

Now,create the external table correspond to .CSV file.

SQL> conn gg/gg

SQL>  create table xtern_empl_rpt
  2          ( empl_id varchar2(3),
  3            last_name varchar2(50),
  4            first_name varchar2(50),
  5            ssn varchar2(9),
  6           email_addr varchar2(100),
  7            years_of_service number(2,0)
  8          )
  9          organization external
 10         ( default directory opump
 11           access parameters
 12           ( records delimited by newline
 13             fields terminated by ','
 14           )
 15           location ('emp.csv')
 16       );

Table created.

External table is successfully created now.Lets check the data in oracle!

SQL> sho user;
USER is "GG"
SQL> select * from xtern_empl_rpt ;


Note: If u add more records in the csv file i.e. emp.csv then oracle table "xtern_empl_rpt" will automatically updated.

For example i will add a new record in my csv file:


Save the file..

Lets see the record if updated in oracle table.


Unloading data into an external file using DATAPUMP.

Oracle 10g lets you create a new external table from data in your database, which goes into a flat file pushed from the database using the ORACLE_DATAPUMP access driver. This flat file is in an Oracle-proprietary format that can be read by DataPump. The syntax is similar to the CREATE TABLE... ORGANIZATION EXTERNAL above, but simpler -- since you can't specify the data format, you can specify very few access_parameters. The key difference is that you must specify the access driver, ORACLE_DATAPUMP, since the access driver defaults to ORACLE_LOADER.

Lets see how its done..

First create a user called "mm" and provide the privileges as below.

SQL> create user mm identified by mm;

User created.

SQL> grant read,write on directory opump to mm;

Grant succeeded.

Now,connect to mm and create the dumpfile using external table.

SQL> conn mm/mm

SQL> create table import_empl_info
  2      ( empl_id varchar2(3),
  3        last_name varchar2(50),
  4        first_name varchar2(50),
  5        ssn varchar2(9),
  6        birth_dt date
  7      )
  8      organization external
  9      ( type oracle_datapump
 10       default directory opump
 11       location ('empl_info_rpt.dmp')
 12     ) ;

Table created.

It will create the dumpfile called "empl_info_rpt.dmp" which can be moved and used in any other database or same.


We will now again load the data into oracle from the dump being created through external table.

First drop the table "import_empl_info".

SQL> drop table import_empl_info;

Table dropped.

Now load the data again ..

SQL> create table import_empl_info
  2      ( empl_id varchar2(3),
  3        last_name varchar2(50),
  4        first_name varchar2(50),
  5        ssn varchar2(9)
  6        )
  7      organization external
  8      ( type oracle_datapump
  9       default directory opump
 10       location ('empl_info_rpt.dmp')
 11     ) ;

We have seen now how External tables in 9i and 10g provide a convenient, seamless way to move data in and out of the database

Restrictions imposed on External tables:

1.)External are not usable in many ways regular Oracle tables.
2.)You cannot perform any DML operations on external tables other than table creation.
3.)You can't create an index on an external table. 


Specifies the frequency at which the job status display is updated.
If you supply a value for integer, it specifies how frequently, in seconds, job status should be displayed in logging mode.


SQL> host expdp system/sys dumpfile=EasdXPgjhDAT.dmp directory=ipump full=y status=10

Export: Release - Production on Sat Sep 24 12:13:07 2011

Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.

Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

  Operation: EXPORT
  Mode: FULL
  Bytes Processed: 0
  Current Parallelism: 1
  Job Error Count: 0
    bytes written: 4,096

Worker 1 Status:
Starting "SYSTEM"."SYS_EXPORT_FULL_05":  system/******** dumpfile=EasdXPgjhDAT.dmp directory=ipump full=y status=10

  Operation: EXPORT
  Mode: FULL
  Bytes Processed: 0
  Current Parallelism: 1
  Job Error Count: 0
    bytes written: 4,096

Worker 1 Status:
  Process Name: DW00
Estimate in progress using BLOCKS method...

  Operation: EXPORT
  Mode: FULL
  Bytes Processed: 0
  Current Parallelism: 1
  Job Error Count: 0
    bytes written: 4,096

Worker 1 Status:
  Process Name: DW00


Below are some enhancements done in Oracle 11g:

-Compression: parameter now can use to compress both data and Metadata with the help of values "ALL".

expdp quest/quest DIRECTORY= quest_pump_dir DUMPFILE=quest_comp.dmp compression=ALL

-Data Pump Encryption Enhancements:

Different encryption modes are available during the export. These include Dual, Password, and Transparent. The mode that is used is set using the encryption_mode parameter. 
Here is an example of using the new encryption parameters for a data pump export:

expdp quest/quest DIRECTORY=quest_pump_dir DUMPFILE=quest_comp.dmp encryption=all encryption_password=not_quest encryption_algorithm=AES128 encryption_mode=PASSWORD

-Data Pump Rename Table(or remap_table)

Sometimes its desirable to be able to rename a table during the import process. In Oracle 11g you can now do this with Oracle Data Pump. To rename a table during the import process use the remap_table parameter. Using the remap_table parameter define the original table schema and name, and then indicate the new name for the table. Here is an example where the table QUEST.NAMES is renamed to COPY_NAMES:

impdp quest/quest DIRECTORY=quest_pump_dir DUMPFILE=quest.dmp tables=QUEST.NAMES remap_table=QUEST.NAMES:COPY_NAMES

-Data Pump and Partitioned Tables:

If you want to have some control over partitioning of tables during a Oracle Data Pump import you can use the partition_options parameter which is a new feature available in impdp in Oracle 11g. The following optioins are available when using the partition_options parameter:
None - Tables will be imported such that they will look like those on the system on which the export was created.
  Departition - Partitions will be created as individual tables rather than partitions of a partitioned table.

  Merge - Causes all partitions to be merged into one, unpartitioned table. 

In this example we use the partition_options parameter to take all partitions of the NAMES table and combine them into one unpartitioned table on the destination side:

impdp quest/quest DIRECTORY=quest_pump_dir DUMPFILE=quest.dmp tables=QUEST.NAMES partition_options=merge

-Overwrite Dump Files

When using impdp in Oracle 11g you can now overwrite any dump file that might already exist by using the new reuse_dumpfiles parameter as seen in this example:

expdp quest/quest DIRECTORY=quest_pump_dir DUMPFILE=quest.dmp tables=QUEST.NAMES reuse_dumpfiles

Data Pump Data_Options Parameter

Have you ever loaded records into a table with Oracle Data Pump Import, only to have the entire load fail because a few duplicate records were in the import file. Assume that your EMP table has three rows in it. EMPNO is the primary key and here is what a query of the table looks like:

SQL> select empno from emp;

3 rows selected.

When you try to load your Data Pump Export file the load fails because it has these three rows in it and they will violate the primary key of the table. The load and the resulting error messages would look like this:

C:\oracle\product\11.1.0\db_1\NETWORK\ADMIN>impdp scott/robert dumpfile=new_emp.dmp directory=data_pump_dir tables=emp  table_exists_action=append

Import: Release - Production on Tuesday, 01 January, 2008 23:51:32
Copyright (c) 2003, 2007, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
Master table "SCOTT"."SYS_IMPORT_TABLE_01" successfully loaded/unloaded
Starting "SCOTT"."SYS_IMPORT_TABLE_01":  scott/******** dumpfile=new_emp.dmp directory=data_pump_dir tables=emp table_exists_action=
Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE
ORA-39152: Table "SCOTT"."EMP" exists. Data will be appended to existing table but all dependent metadata will be skipped due to tab
le_exists_action of append
Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE_DATA
ORA-31693: Table data object "SCOTT"."EMP" failed to load/unload and is being skipped due to error:
ORA-00001: unique constraint (SCOTT.PK_EMP) violated
Job "SCOTT"."SYS_IMPORT_TABLE_01" completed with 2 error(s) at 23:51:35
And the resulting table looks just the same:

SQL> select empno from emp;

3 rows selected.

The load of the EMP table has completely failed. Data Pump does not come with a reject limit clause like SQL*Loader does, so the whole load of the table just fails, even if it's just one record causing the problem.

Oracle 11g solves this problem with a new parameter for use with Data Pump Import. This parameter is data_options=skip_constraint_errors. When this parameter is used Data Pump Import will ignore the rows that generate a constraint error (while still not loading them of course) and will continue to load those rows that do not generate an error. Here is an example of an import using this new parameter:

SQL> select empno from emp;
3 rows selected.

C:\oracle\product\11.1.0\db_1\NETWORK\ADMIN>impdp scott/robert dumpfile=new_emp.dmp directory=data_pump_dir tables=emp  table_exists_action=append data_options=skip_constraint_errors

Import: Release - Production on Tuesday, 01 January, 2008 23:55:33
Copyright (c) 2003, 2007, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
Master table "SCOTT"."SYS_IMPORT_TABLE_01" successfully loaded/unloaded
Starting "SCOTT"."SYS_IMPORT_TABLE_01":  scott/******** dumpfile=new_emp.dmp directory=data_pump_dir tables=emp table_exists_action=
append data_options=skip_constraint_errors
Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE
ORA-39152: Table "SCOTT"."EMP" exists. Data will be appended to existing table but all dependent metadata will be skipped due to tab
le_exists_action of append
Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE_DATA
. . imported "SCOTT"."EMP"                               8.187 KB      13 out of 16 rows
3 row(s) were rejected with the following error:
ORA-00001: unique constraint (SCOTT.PK_EMP) violated

Rejected rows with the primary keys are:
 Rejected row #1:
   column EMPNO: 8000
 Rejected row #2:
   column EMPNO: 8001
 Rejected row #3:
   column EMPNO: 7369
Job "SCOTT"."SYS_IMPORT_TABLE_01" completed with 1 error(s) at 23:55:36
Note in this case that 3 rows were rejected, but the remaining 13 rows were successfully loaded. Here is a select query against the table. This looks much better:

SQL> select empno from emp;

16 rows selected.

There is one main restriction with this feature and that is that the Data Pump import must use the external table method when loading data. Data Pump can use two methods of importing (or exporting) data, direct path and external tables. When you import using data_options=skip_constraint_errors Data Pump must use external tables. Normally this will happen as a default, so you don't have to worry about it. However, if you do get an error because Oracle Data Pump is not using the external table method you can use the undocumented parameter access_method=external_table to try to force Data Pump to use external tables.

The new Oracle Data Pump parameter data_options also provides for special handling of other types of data-related issues. Use the XML_CLOBS setting of the data_options parameter of the Data Pump Export utility to override the default behavior of Oracle Data Pump, which is to compress the format of the XMLType CLOB. If you use this option be aware that the XML schemas at the source and destination must be the same.

-The Transportable Parameter:

When the transportable parameter is used in impdp or expdp only the metadata associated with specific tables, partitions, or sub-partitions will be extracted, rather than all metadata. You can then proceed to transport the associated data files as you normally would. You export the data with expdp:
expdp quest/quert DIRECTORY=quest_pump_dir DUMPFILE=quest.dmp tables=QUEST.NAMES transportable=always
You then copy the data files and the dump file set to the destination and plug in the database. You would use impdp as a part of this process to import the metadata into the database, as seen in this example:

impdp quest/quert DIRECTORY=quest_pump_dir DUMPFILE=quest.dmp tables=QUEST.NAMES remap_schema=Robert:new_Robert



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